The Wh0le Story

Eat Good Stuff. Do Good Things. Feel good feels.

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My Favorite Kale Chip Recipe

Who doesn’t love kale chips? I’ve made them in a few different flavors but this super simple mixture has got to be my favorite go-to. All of the spices needed are probably chillin’ in your cabinet right now just waiting to be used. And if you’re a veg*n pro, your fridge is never lacking in the greens department.

No extra trip to the grocery store necessary. Bonus.

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I don’t think oil is the enemy. However if it’s not needed, I usually omit it from recipes simply because I feel as though doing so immediately lightens up a dish. If you prefer to use oil, coconut or olive oil would work perfectly in place of the water.


Savory Kale Chips

4 -5 cups kale, de-stemmed and torn into bite sized pieces

1 tablespoon water
2 teaspoons nutritional yeast
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon dried parsley
1/8 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 350

In a small bowl, mix spices and water together until combined.

Add kale to a large bowl. Pour seasoning mix on top. Using your hands, massage kale until evenly coated.

Spread kale onto a large baking pan, making sure not to overlap the pieces. 

Bake for 10-15 minutes until chips become lightly brown and crispy but not overcooked or burnt.



Don’t Sweat It: Learn To Love Exercise in 4 Easy Steps.


When it comes to talking about fitness, I have one main goal: to inspire without coming off as preachy or pushy. As someone who is really sensitive to overbearing language and unhealthy messages, I never want it to seem as though I’m some sort of crazy fitness guru. Well, because I’m really not. all. But you get what I mean, right? Here are just a few phrases used in the fitness and weight-loss community that rub me the wrong way:

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”

You total liar. Obviously this person has never tasted…well, food in general.

“Pain is weakness leaving the body.”

No. No no no. Pain is your body saying, “Stop! We are going to severely injure ourselves, you monster!”

“What you eat in private, you wear in public.”

Just. Shut the hell up.


Of course there are a million other “inspirational” quotes out there – just spend 10 minutes on pinterest and your head will explode with anxiety and high expectations of what you’re supposed to do and look like. Actually, don’t do that. Ever.

So what can I offer you? How can I inspire you without being a total jerk? I guess my first order of business is to share the top 4 ways I’ve made exercise and fitness something I look forward to instead of dreading it as much as tax season:

1. Find out what makes you happy and excited to move.

Experiment and play around with various exercises. For me, yoga, hiking and kickboxing make so incredibly happy. These three activities keep me in tune with my body while strengthening and empowering me as well. None of them may appeal to you at all and that’s totally ok. If you love nothing more than going out for a run, do that. Try a spin class if you prefer the bike or your knees hate you as much as mine do (I have the knees of a woman 3x my age. Always have.) Whatever it is, find that thing that you don’t loathe doing and do it!

2. Give yourself 10 minutes.

It can be so hard to motivate yourself to just get up and move, especially in those dark and dreary months (thanks, Oregon). So take the pressure off. Tell yourself that you’re just going to try and do something active for ten minutes, even if you want nothing more than to sit on your butt and mindlessly binge on your favorite tv show all day (I’ve been there, and it can be super awesome…but it can also be really depressing). If you can motivate yourself for just ten minutes, chances are that you’ll get over that hump and end up pushing yourself to go a little longer. And the next time? Even longer. Ah, the power of endorphins.

3. You’ll never regret a workout.

A fitness quote I can get behind! This is totally true. I can be having the most miserable day ever, full of low moods and negative thoughts. Do you know what gets me out of this headspace every single time? Breaking a sweat. It sounds too good to be true, but I promise you it works. If you’re ever feeling stuck in your own head, take your dog for a long walk/run or get on the floor and do a few sets of abs and push-ups. Again, this is why endorphins were created. Gotta love ’em.

4. Do it for the right reasons.

This may be the most important tip of all: stop working out to achieve the perfect body. I know it’s hard to undo all of that b.s. society has been pushing on you since you were a teenager, but this thought process will get you nowhere fast. This doesn’t mean you can’t look incredible, it just shouldn’t be your first priority. Stop beating yourself up for how your body looks and start praising yourself for how well you’re treating it. These days, I get way more excited over being able to do an extra push-up than when my jeans fit a little looser. The vanity results will happen on their own, so don’t sweat it if it takes a little more time. Fitness should be a life-long habit, not a quick fix. Don’t forget that.


Have I convinced you? Are you ready to stop looking at exercise as punishment? I hope so. I really believe that everyone out there can find their happy place when it come to fitness. There are so many options, one of them is bound to fit your needs. If you need help, I’d love to get you on the right track. Comment below or e-mail me with any questions. I’m always here to chat.

Happy sweating!

My favorite hiking buddy.

My favorite hiking buddy.


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Breakfast: A Love Story & 5 Reason You Should Love It Too!



Can we just take a minute to appreciate the marvelous wonder that is breakfast? I know this statement may seem a little silly, but hear me out.

Before I knew how to treat my body right, breakfast was a meal I didn’t think much about. I had very little appetite first thing in the morning and often reached for bland foods like bagels and yogurt. Subconsciously, I was setting the tone for my entire day. That tone was “meh” at best. And now? I’m a total geek about the most important meal of the day.

5 Reasons To Love Breakfast:

1.It offers you a fresh start. I’m at my happiest and most hopeful first thing in the morning. If I start  my day off right, it’s so much easier for me to continue that positive mood throughout the day. A good meal can make a huge difference in how you feel, physically and emotionally. Don’t sell yourself short – you and your body deserve to have a good day.

2.Treat your body right. What could be better than giving yourself good stuff first thing in the morning? Fuel your body right and it will thank you for it.

3.Reset. Shake off any of that crap that may have happened the day before (emotional eating? a bad day at work? a poor night’s sleep?) and give yourself a break. Mornings are a great way to think of yourself and the day ahead as a clean slate. Let yesterday go and start over….with a full and happy belly.

4.It’s a  great form of self-love: nourishing food that is also incredibly comforting. Enough said.

5.A chance to be creative! Not only is breakfast my favorite meal to eat but it’s also my favorite to decorate, photograph and make as pretty as possible. All of that vibrant fruit and adding 20 different textures and flavors in the form of nuts, seeds and superfood toppings? It takes me to my happy place. And who isn’t inspired by beautiful things? It really is a great way to work that creativity muscle first thing in the morning.

Still think I’m a crazy breakfast fangirl? You might be right, but take some time tomorrow morning and really enjoy your meal, whatever that might be. Think about how it’s fueling you and how it’s going to make you feel hours afterwards. I promise that if you put in a little extra effort, you won’t regret it. And if you’re wondering what to make, comment below and we can chat about breakfast ideas! I’d love to help.
